English abstract
The main objective of this research is to study Reality of Strategic planning in the Directorates of Education at the Sultanate of Oman from the point of view of Heads of Directorates and Departments . The followed approach in this research in Descriptive approach , in addition, data and information are collected using Questionnaires disirbuted on (129) Head of directorate and department.
Results showed that The reality of strategic planning in the directorates of education in the Sultanate of Oman came to a medium degree . Furthermore , results has stated that there is no There were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample member upon the level (α≤0.05) reference to variables of type and scientific qualification and years of experience and job title , as for the variables of Educational Preservation , it has been found that there was no differences in all aspects except the aspect of Value for Al Batinah South Governorate.
The study has recommended many recomndation , mosot importantly : Disrpute the aspect of strategic planning among all employees in Educational Governorate at the Ministry of education and arrange for Occupationa develompnet program from time to time for all employees at the directorates about stratigiz planning and clarify all compononts , aspects and how to deal with the planning components in general , and participation of all employees in the process of stating the strategic mission , vision and objectives , and approving for more accurate indecatiors to messure the progress in executing the given strategic plan and accurate machanisims to followup , preparing educational seminars about componets of strategic planning and distrepute it among enducational dirrectorats environment and outside by different interviews , seminars and meetings.