English abstract
The study is dedicated to address terrorism by identifying its concepts from a legal perspective, methods, objectives, consequences, types, and cases of acquittal. The researcher followed a methodological and descriptive approach in analyzing Legislative Policy texts for Countering- Terrorism in the Omạni Law and commented on them based on what he found in Arab, GCC and Islamic Conference Organization agreements.
The study has drawn a number of conclusions in this subject. One of them is that the definition put by the Omani Legislator for terrorism by describing it as "Individual or collective project" doesn't go in line with basics of incrimination and punishment, plus he does mot include force, coercion or electronic terrorism among the list of terrorist acts. Another conclusion of this study is that the Omani Legislator is in agreement, in most matters, with comparative legislations except for some issues. For instance, he doesn't draw attention to jeopardizing community safety and causing harm to persons, as would comparative legislations do in incriminating acts of pursuing and assaulting those executing provisions of Terrorism Law or their relatives. Finally, the study succeeds in coming up with a number of suggestions and recommendations and which would, hopefully, contribute in developing legal work with respect to terrorism crimes.