English abstract
This study aimed to suggest a conception for activating organizational socialization for new teachers in public schools in Sultanate of Oman through the investigating of organizational socialization for new teachers, demonstrating experience of other countries in achieving organizational socialization for new teachers and knowing the impact of gender, the educational governorates and the academic qualification of the school's principle variables. The study utilized the descriptive approach. To reach the objectives of the study, a questionnaire consisted of (42) items that include organizational socialization dimensions and methods was built. It was distributed to a random sample consisted of (304) teachers "males and females" whom have been appointed in the school year (2013-2014) in five educational Governorates in Sultanate of Oman. And through extracting the averages, Standard deviations, The Independent Sample T-Test and One way ANOVA analysis, the study reached the following: 1- The estimations of the study sample individuals about the reality of
organizational socialization of new teachers in Omani public schools in the questionnaire as a whole were "medium". The degree of the respondents' estimations in all dimensions of organizational socialization was "high" except "the school's history" dimension, which was "medium". As for the Organizational socialization's methods, the estimations of the study sample individuals were "medium". 2- There is no significant statistical differences at the level of significance (a<0.05) in the estimations of the study sample individuals for the
ational socialization of new teachers in public schools in Sultanate of Oman according to the variables of gender, educational governorates and the school's principle academic qualification Based on the findings of the study, the researcher presented a proposed conception to activate Organizational socialization of new teachers in public schools in Sultanate of Oman depending on theoretical, local, regional and international bases. It consisted of three stages (before joining school, during joining school and after joining school). In addition, the proposed conception involves organizational, administrative and human requirements. The conception presented a group of difficulties that face application and suggested solutions. The researcher recommended a number of future studies and research.