English abstract
The study aimed at identifying the extent population education concept are included in social studies textbooks at second cycle of basic education and students attainment of these concepts. Textbooks were analysed and a test was applied to 288 students in class 8. The results of the study showed that concepts of population and development occupied first placing in the curricula. The repetition of these subjects reach (23.2%) followed by the concepts of population and environment and the population structure, family and society, population dynamics, population and health respectively. The results showed that the achievement of student was low (58.33%) which is lower than the accepted standard of this study ( 80 % ) Also, it showed that females' attainment of these concepts was significantly higher than males. The study also showed that there is a difference in acquiring between different subjects and that there is differences bearing statistics meanings of (0.05) for the good of females. The study recommended giving attention to increase student attainment of these concepts. Also it recommended balancing the inclusion of these concepts, through social studies textbooks.