English abstract
The study aimed at determining the effectiveness of teaching mathematics in the 5th grade by Formative treatment Strategy as compared with the traditional Method. It also addresses the effect of using this strategy on achieving the academic self -concept of five primary pupils in mathematics.
The population of the study consisted of five primary pupils (boys and girls) in Sharqia south Directorate of Education during the academic year 2002/2003. A Sample of (137) students was randomly chosen from two of the schools of the population. Sixty nine students were assigned to the experimental group; and the other sixty eight were assigned to the control group. The first group used the Formative treatment Strategy, while second used the normal strategy.
The teaching material included fractions unit which is studied in the second semester, 2002/2003. This unit was divided into six sub-unit, for the experimental group, each sub-unit was followed by a formative test.
For the purpose of the study, the researcher prepared fractions unit, an associative activity book for the experimental group and a teacher's guide for the experimenter teacher. Moreover, the researcher used six formative tests and one summative achievement test which was administered to the experimental and control groups after finishing the treatment and the Arabeized Bairs-Harris self- concept scale for self concept was also applied.
The statistical analysis used was (T) test for comparing the groups before and after the treatment.
The results showed that there were no significant differences between the average achievement of Formative treatment Strategy and traditional method on the achievement and the Arabeized Bairs-Harris scale for self-concept.
According to the findings reached in this study, the researcher recommended conducting similar studies for longer periods of time for treating achievement and academic self-concept. He also recommended training workshops to be held in order to train teacher in constructing and using formative tests in teaching and evaluation in order to get similar efficient results. Although there are no differences between the traditional method and the Formative treatment Strategy , the researcher recommends the use of the latter as it is based on a solid educational as an evaluation process to treat the weaknesses and strengths of the pupils.