المواءمة بين الإعداد الأكاديمي و المهني لتخصص إدارة الأرشيف بقسم دراسات المعلومات في جامعة السلطان قابوس و احتياجات سوق العمل العماني
البادية, رحمة بنت حميد بن خميس.
English abstract
This study aims to explore the Alignment of academic and professional preparation of the outcomes of the archive management discipline, Department of Information Studies at Sultan Qaboos University from the standpoint of employers and students regarding the needs of Omani labor market as well as identifying to what extent the professional and academic preparedness of archive management specialists are aligned with the knowledge and skills developed by cilip which is the leading professional body for international academic accreditation in information and archival studies.
The study adopted the mixed method approach in data collection in two principal stages: The first stage used the qualitative approach and employed the focus group for data collection from the group under study represented by students enrolled in the discipline and interviews conducted for data collection from sample group including records management staff or their deputies in matters of practical training in
government institutions. The findings were analyzed using thematic analysis. The second stage is devoted to quantitative data collection as a complementary tool for the primary tool and for the purpose of in depth analysis or study in addition to enhancing the credibility of the findings by using revision forms. The forms include the paths of study in order to identify students' views about such paths, their importance and in what
way they benefited from them and the same applies to records management staff. The other form outlines the skills developed by cilip including 13 basic skills and other associated skills.
The findings recorded a 100% consensus among the sample group that the period and time of practical training are quite sufficient for archive management students despite the fact they prefer the training to be conducted during a single semester of study instead of two semesters - that is twice per week. This is in addition to the importance of practical training courses in developing their skills and translating their knowledge
into practice. The study concluded that the academic preparation of archive management students offered by the department of information studies is quite considerate and responsive to the needs of the Omani labor market and that the skills gained by the students are satisfactory for their effective deployment in the labor market. Moreover, most samples of the study including students and records management staff believe that the paths of study embodied in the plan of study of archive management program are appropriate enough for the needs of the labor market, in addition to the need to develop the technical skills and English language skills as expressed by the students themselves. The study came up with several recommendations including the update and development of a set of paths within the plan of archive management program that keep in pace with the rapid and accelerated
developments in the labor market and establishing of partnerships between government institutions and university institutions in order to strike a balance between the professional and academic preparation of students archive management studies and the needs of the labor market.