English abstract
The purpose of the study was to investigate the levels in entrepreneurial intentions, proactive personality, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of BA students at Sultan Qaboos University. And to recognize the differences in entrepreneurial intentions, proactive personality and entrepreneurial selfefficacy among those students in terms of the study variables (Gender college type). In order to achieve the study aims, the following tools were administered: entrepreneurial intentions scale, proactive personality scale, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy scale. The sample of the study consisted of (304) students. Cluster Sample was chosen to answer the study's questions, a statistical tool was used (SPSS) to get means, standard deviation, persons correlation and "T-test" for two independent samples, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The result of the study showed that levels of entrepreneurial intentions, proactive personality were high while medium level in entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In addition, the study showed no differences among gender in entrepreneurial intentions, proactive personality while there were differences in college type in favor of males. The result of the study also showed that a positive predictable correlational relationship between entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial self -efficacy. Finally, the study concluded with recommendations and suggestions based on the findings of the investigation process. Keywords: entrepreneurial intentions, proactive personality, entrepreneurial self-efficacy.