English abstract
It became clear throughout the journey in the preceding chapters of the three chapters of this study, that a number of conclusions are inferred which can be summarized in the following:
• The term prominalisation Sebeweih used, rather than pronoun carries in its core much of pronouns secrets and the keys to the study of the style of prominalisation. In doing so, he states that prominalisation has two poles the pronoun and the prominal. Prominalisation possesses its own special expressive value such as replacement, ambiguity removal and referral. The prominalisation made the chapter of Josef exceptionally coherent at the level of sentence, scene and chapter as a complementary text which really enrich the rhetoric of the sentence and text. The exophora in the beginning of the Holy Quran chapters is a general phenomenon which acts as the narrator with regard to the narration from either inside the narration or outside aimed to prove that the sacred voice was definitely descended to the prophet Mohammed. The endophora is superior to exophora in giving the depth to the text. The pronoun acts as some grammatical functions that served the text of the chapter to reach its rhetoric destinations. It was proved that deceit and plural pronouns are strictly related so that the deceit was almost invariably assigned to a plural pronoun. Having more than one possibility of the prominal in the Holy Quran undoubtedly enriches the text, as more than one possible analysis is applicable. The abundance of prominalisation served the overall atmosphere of the narrative because the events were centralized around the deceit and delusion in secrecy and as the pronouns represented the figures; they prepared the Arabic text to narrate a non-Arabic story in non-Arabic names which if were narrated in their original forms, they would have made the intrinsic music corrupt.