English abstract
The study aimed to identify the degree of practice of strategic thinking patterns for schools managers of basic education schools and it's relation to achieve the objectives of integration program for persons with disabilities in basic school in Sultanate of Oman. The study used a descriptive and correlative approach to achieve the objectives a study tools (questionnaire) was developed based on some previous studies to collect information and data. After verifying its validity and consistency, it applied to (317) teachers from the study sample of 619 teachers.
The study concludes with important number of results as follows: the degree of practicing strategic thinking of schools managers is low with average (2,46). Where the planning thinking pattern and the comprehensive thinking pattern comes in the first place with average(2,49). In the second rank of practice is the diagnostic thinking pattern with average (2,48). While the pattern of abstract thinking came in the last place with average (2,40). The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in all patterns attributed to the gender variable and educational cycles (level) and there are statistically significant differences attributed to the variable years of experience in favor of a sample of teachers with two experiences (6 to10 years, more than 10 years)
The results of the study indicated that the degree of achieving the objectives of the integrating persons with special needs program in the basic education school came with low degreewith average (2,39). Also, there are no statistically significant differences due to the gender variable, while there are statistically significant differences due to the variable years of experiences in favor of sample of teachers with two experiences (6 to 10 years, more than 10 years). In addition, there are statistically significant differences due to variable education cycle (level) to favor of a sample of cycle one teachers. The results indicated that there is strong and positive correlation between practicing the strategic thinking of schools managers and achieving the objectives of integrating persons with disabilities program in basic education in Sultanate of Oman.
The study recommended giving great importance to patterns of strategic thinkingworking to develop and enhance its ownership and practice. Also, intensifying training for schools managers applying to program of integrating persons with disabilities to become aware of the integration program and the need to ensure the extent of the appropriateness of integration process with social culture.