English abstract
It is made in two parts: first, the theoretical framework and, secondly, the applied framework. Theoretical section consists of four topics; the first of which was allocated to define the concept of argumentation in the language and terminology, and the second toured the talk about the types of argumentation speech, those that are realized by the templates formal default images of the structure of the armumetation. The third part, came with the title: mechanisms of argumentation speech , which was discussed in two ways: the linguistic argumentative mechanisms, and the non-linguistic argumentative mechanisms. The fourth of these quests was study the concept of argumentative ladder, and the laws that govern the processes of building discourse, and dismantled. Section of Applied in this study has been created to be distributed to two chapters; the first one included a theoretical description for all the parts of the project; the title,the editorial, the testimonials strategy and the conclusion, then followed that with talking about the argumentative model which these parts are depending on it in the horizontal and vertical dimensions , with reference to the most important principles of the testimonials strategy of the speech. The second chapter of the section of applied, which was The latest chapter of study, whither the talk was devoted to describe the argumentative words that constitutes the fabric of the project, through three researches the first research studied characteristics of argumentative individual words, The second was the face of the effort to study patterns common synthetic, The third research to complement the vision through his study of the dimensions of the imaginal structures in the speech project. In the end, appended the study with the most important findings of the research, through descriptive analytical reading for the project.