English abstract
This current study aimed to build group counseling program based on cognitive behavioral therapy and investigating it is effectiveness in reducing social anxiety among a sample of physically disabled in the Sultanate of Oman. Population and a sample of this study have been identified by the overall sample of intent .They are of physically disabled students in Care and Rehabilitation center for the disabled persons in Al Khoud. They are 20 from 23 males and females. The researcher had to build social anxiety scale and applied to this sample after the presentation to the panel of arbitrators. After correction, the researcher distributed the sample into two groups: experimental and Control group. The experimental group consisted of 10 disabled (5 males and 5 females). They were subject to the group counseling program which lasted for 2 months, two sessions a week. The control group consisted of ten disabled (5 males and 5 females.) They were not subject to any counseling or treatment .To examine the first hypothesis of the study, Arithmetic averages and standard deviations were calculated for social anxiety degrees between the two groups on pre , post and follow up scale . The researcher also used Mann-Whitney U Test to verify statistically significant differences between social anxiety degrees between the two groups on pre, post and follow up scale. In order to examine the second hypothesis of the study, Arithmetic averages and standard deviations were calculated for social anxiety degrees between males and females in experimental group on the pre, post and follow up scale.