English abstract
This thesis discusses the inference of some of the deductive rules of secondary fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence 'Al-qawa'd Al Usoolia' regarding the indications of denotations. Denotations are linguistic tools based on the formation of objective mental relationships between the word and its actual meaning. The meaning is grasped by understanding this relationship. Undoubtedly, this is an implication of the derivation of the secondaries from the roots through the inference of the secondary rules of Al-qawa'd Al-Usoolia from the universal fundamental 'Usooli' rules. The main subject of the thesis is the presentation of the Usooli truth for the indication of the denotation, through which these deductive paths can be inferred. This is done by the presentation of the opinions of the scholars of Usool, if available, on the type of indication for the result through the systems of the rule. Another way is to show the presence of the mental implication, using the special meaning of the term. This way is the one depended on in the exploration of the meaning of the indication of the denotation in the systems of the rule. There are many of these deductive rules paths that were confused with the mental inference, using the general and special meaning of the term. The implied mental relationship on the understanding of these rules approximated its inference of the indication of the denotation. The theses tried to induce most of the usooli rules in order to compile it through exploring the presence of the implied mental inference for these rules in deduction. This was done by compiling the opinions of the scholars in comprehending this inference or through the examples they used for the deduction of the rule and comparing it with the indications of the denotations.