English abstract
This study is aimed at seeking how often the psychological and social fundamentals are implicated in the above mentioned books, through answering the following questions:
1. How often are the psychological and social fundamentals available within the contents of the two Islamic books for Grades 9 and 10,basic education in the Sultanate of Oman?
2. How have these fundamentals been distributed among their basic dimensions within the contents of these two books?
In order to answer the two questions above, the researcher has developed a certain studying tool containing a list of psychological and social foundations that should be available in the books required to be studied as a studying sample. This list has been validated and verified.
The researcher, in her study, has adopted the analytic descriptive method and used the statistical methods represented by the frequencies and percentages. The study sample composed of the two Islamic books for Grades 9&10 (2009-2010).
The main conclusions are:
a. The total of frequencies for the psychological and social fundamentals available in the both Islamic books, reached 773.
b Psychological bases are more available than social bases.
C. The religious development requirements are the most available dimension, at the psychological bases dimensions level.
d- The social contents are the most available dimension, at the social fundamental dimensions level.
e- The psychological and social bases are not equally available in the both books contents.
Therefore, the researcher's recommendations came as follows:
a- Giving further consideration to the psychological and social fundamentals which have not been included well enough or have not been implicated at all in the books of the study sample.
.b- Equality in implication of psychological and social fundamentals in the contents of the
two Islamic books should be taken into consideration sufficiently.