English abstract
The purpose of this thesis aims to find out the international judicial and regional mechanisms of human rights in substantive and procedural aspect alike, by discussing some of concerned international covenants in this regard, and defines how people over the ages were interested in the dignity of human beings. Moreover, it revealed the international community's attention to the issue of human rights via placing mechanisms, which governing the violators of human rights, by answering the following queries:
1- What are the historical phases of human rights ?
2- What are the concerned international covenants on human rights?
3- What are the international and regional courts established for the protection of human rights ? , And did they contribute in the protection of human rights ?
4. For the purpose of answering the above mentioned queries we reviewed a number of topics related to human rights and its judicial mechanisms internationally & regionally, and divided them into three chapters.
We discussed in the first chapter the historical phases of human rights and international law, as well as the legitimacy of human rights.
Whereas, we highlighted in the second chapter on the International Courts dealing with human rights, namely the International Court of Justice, Temporary International Criminal Courts, and the Permanent International Criminal Court.
After that we discussed in the second chapter the Regional , International Courts of Human Rights, and we reached a number of important conclusions by studying this subject as follows:
1- United Nations attention in human rights 'issue, as its charter considered an important source of inspiration of multi laws and conventions on human rights.
2- International Court of Justice has contributed in enhancing, and protection of human rights, via its issued decisions after its emphasis on the principles and provisions by referring to conventions, and treaties on human rights.
3- International Criminal Court aims to achieve international peace and security in the world through tracking and prosecuting violators of international crimes within their competence.
4- The European experience in the judicial field of human rights is considered the most effective experiences, as its judicial' jurisprudence which are issued from the European Court of the Human Rights an important vital source which other courts of · human rights can take benefits and advantages from it.
. 5- Regional and International courts represented by The European Court of Human Rights, The American Court of Human Rights, and The African Court of Human and People' rights have contributed in enhancing and protection of human rights, each one of them within its regional scope framework, as they presenting the protection for everyone who has lost his/her rights, which set forth in the international conventions and · treaties of the human rights.