English abstract
This thesis is based on two pillars, namely Al-Awtabi and Alebanah and is, therefore, divided into two chapters. The first chapter deals with Al-Awtabi, his time and life and has two sections. The first section addresses in brief the political and intellectual state in Oman-in the second half of the fourth hijri century and the first half of the fifth hijri century. It also deals with lexical authorship before Al- Awtabi era and its significant methodological features. In the second section, the study discusses the life of Abu Al Munzir Salma bin Musallam bin Ibrahim Al- Awtabi with particular emphasis on his time, his pedigree, his metonymy, his sheikhs, his scholars, intetllectual affiliation and his jurisprudential, historical, linguistic and literary works. The second chapter entitled "Lexical Wording in Alebanah" is split into two sections since Alebanah itself is divided into a general linguistic subject and lexicology focussing on.common idioms, gnomic sayings, proverbs and some other tools and phrases: The first section deals with linguistic objects of research in Alebanah and their approaches with particular emphasis on the book name and sections and all forms of linguistic research including phonetic, morphological , grammatical and suggestive forms. It also deals with the general characteristics of linguistic research approaches by studying the theoretical introduction of the book and by looking in depth into its core subject. In the second section, the thesis addresses the second part of Alebanah that focuses on the lexical component and its composition with particular emphasis on the common idioms, gnomic sayings and proverbs providing their definitions and technical characteristics and the most important books that had direct bearing on Al-Awtabi . This section also deals with the questions of composition and compilation in lexical study As far as compilation is concerned emphasis was placed on lexical sources and linguistic levels such as the classical, generated, colloquial or alien expressions. As for composition, the sections deals with outer and inner lexical organization, various phonetic, morphological, grammatical, suggestive, metaphorical and literary stylish definitions. The thesis concludes by introducing the most important findings of the study quoting used sources and refernces and a table showing all approaches to the lexical subject.