أثر تدريس العلوم باستخدام القصة في تنمية التحصيل الدراسي ومهارات التفكير الناقد لدى طالبات الصف السادس الأساسي بسلطنة عمان.
الغافرية, نبيلة بنت زايد بن سلطان بن محمد.
English abstract
This study aimed to detect the effect of teaching Science using The Story in The Development of Science Achievement and Critical Thinking Skills among 6h grade basic education female students. The sample consisted of (63) female students selected from Azza Bint Qais Al' Busaidia Basic Education (5-10 at South Al-Batinah Governorate. The sample was split up into an; experimental group (N=31) taught the by story method and a control group (N=32 taught by the conventional method of teaching. The study lasted for eight weeks in the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014 To achieve the study's aim, three research instruments were designed: a teacher guide to teach science by story, a science achievement test and a critical thinking skills test. The coefficient reliability of the achievement test was whereas the reliability of the critical thinking skills test was (0.715). The result revealed that there were no statically significant differences in science achievement at (a=0.05, between means of the experimental group students and means of the control group students in a test of academic achievement and test the critical thinking skills. Accordingly, the study recommends conducting in-service training courses in the area of contemporary methods of teaching science such as story method. The study also draw a recommendation of further related studies.