فاعلية وحدة دراسية مقترحة في تنمية معارف ومهارات واتجاهات طالبات الصف الحادي عشر نحو ريادة الأعمال في سلطنة عمان.
الحبسية, نجاح بنت سالم بن هديب.
English abstract
This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of a proposed study unit in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes of Omani female students' at grade eleven towards entrepreneurship. The researcher implemented a quasi-experimental design in order to achieve the objectives. The study sample comprised of (74) female students from grade eleven at Hail Al-Awamir School for post basic education. The study sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group which included (37) students who studied the proposed unit of entrepreneurship and a control group which included about (37) female students who have not studied the proposed unit of entrepreneurship. Data was collected by using knowledge test, skills test and attitudes scale. The knowledge test consisted of (30) questions while the skills test consisted of (7) questions. The attitudes scale consisted of (40) items. A panel of judges examined the validity of these instruments while the reliability was examined by applying them to a trail group. The results of Chrounbach's Alpha were (.731) for the knowledge test, (.702) for skills test and (.909) for the attitude scale. A pre and posttests were used to measure students' knowledge and skills. The study results showed statistical significance differences in favor to experimental group. The researcher recommended to concern with including of entrepreneurship in social studies curriculum.