English abstract
This study aimed to know the availability of the required listening skills for the pupils of first cycle of the Basic Education in the questions of the prescribed listening lessons. This was achieved through answering these two questions :
1- What are the required listening skills for the cycle one pupils of the basic education? 2- To what extend the required listening skills for cycle one of the Basic Education pupils are available in the questions of the listening lessons of grade four? In order to answer the above two questions, the researcher used the descriptive analysis method and developed the following tools: - List of the required listening skills for cycle one pupils - Analysis card which was derived form the list of listening skills after being evaluated. After analyzing the data, the study has resulted the following: 1- List of the required listening skills for cycle one Pupils was obtained. This list consists of (36) skills distributed to five basic skills. These skills are: auditory distinction skills and included fourteen skills, Skills of classification which included five skills, finding out ideas Skills which consisted of five skills, deducting thinking skills which contained six skills, content evaluation skills included six skills. 2- The availability of listening skills in the question of listening lessons of grade four, in general, was titled, as only seven skills of the total number (36) of percentage (19.4%) of skills appeared. 3- Deducting skills and finding out ideas Skills obtained the highest-level. They obtained (31points) and (14points). However, the evaluating content skills obtained medium-level (4points). The auditory distinction skills obtained lowest level (1point). Yet, classification skills did not appear at all in the listening lessons. On the basis of what the study came to, it exhibited some recommendations of which: The utilization of listening skills made by the study in solving the lack of listening questions of the grade four while developing them. This study suggests applying another studies related to listening skills from one side and questions and activities from another side.