English abstract
The present study aims at measuring the effectiveness of Marzasno model of learning/ thinking dimensions in developing mathematical problem solving skills. The sample of the study consists of 47 ninth grade female Students at Tabook School of Basic Education in Sohar Wilayat/Sultnate of Oman. The students were divided into two groups: control group and experimental group. The experimental group consists of 24 students who have studied the programme based on Marzano Model. The control group consists of 23 students who studied the Traditional method. Data have been collected by the Deelarative Knowledge Test the Procedural knowledge Test and the Test of problem Solving pre- and after teaching treatment. To test the study hypotheses and answer Research questions, T-test and Correlation Coefficient have been used. The results have yielded significant differences(at., .5 level of significance) between the two groups means in both tests and in favour of the experiment group. This difference is the result of method of teaching. The results have also shown a significant difference (at .,.5 level of significance)between pre- and post-test means of both groups in both tests and in favour of posts-test. This result is indication to the effect of the method of teaching . the result have shown a positive and strong correlative relationship between the grops performance in the post-application of all the tests.
The researcher recommends adopting Marzanos Model in the teaching learning process and training teachers to use it, reformulating the teaching materials to cope with the model , The study suggests conducting similar studies on different subject and classes.