مدى إمكانية تطبيق برنامج جوجل ايرث (Google Earth) في تدريس الدراسات الاجتماعية في التعليم الأساسي وما بعد الأساسي بسلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر المعلمين.
المعدية, منيره بنت سعيد بن صالح.
English abstract
The study aims to examine the extent possibility of Google Earth Program applicability in teaching Social Studies in Basic and the Post Basic Education in Oman as viewed by the teachers. To achieve the purpose of the study, a measure was developed consisted of (1) knowledge test including (35) questions distributed into three domains and (2) attitudes scale consisted of (31) distributed into five domains. The validity of the measure was examined by a panel of judges while the reliability was obtained by piloting the measure to (36) teachers and Alpha Cronbach was (.83) for knowledge test, (-98) for attitudes scale.
The study showed the following results:
- The possibility of Google Earth Program applicability in teaching Social Studies was low. There were no significant differences at the (0.05=a) in Social Studies teachers' knowledge about Google Earth Program due to their academic specialization and teaching experience. There were no significant differences at the (0.05=a)in Social Studies teachers' attitudes towards Google Earth Program due to their academic specialization and teaching experience.
- There were no significant differences at the (0.05=a) in Social Studies teachers' attitudes on the applicability of Google Earth Program due to their academic specialization and teaching experience.
The researcher concluded her study with a number of suggestions and solutions serving the subject.