English abstract
The study aimed to examine the relationship between the sprint in a straight line and the sprint with change of direction in the players belonging : to the pre-puberty and post. Through the vertical and horizontal jump tests in the youth ages 12-13 and 15-16 years, and determine which jump tests can predict performance in repeated sprint tests. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of 51 players:(Age:13.674 1.76 length: 1.57 +0.12, weight: 50.50 + 9.38). All players performed the following tests: sprint in a straight line and sprint with change of direction (6 x 20 m) twice to verify the stability of the tests and Vertical and horizontal jump tests. One of the most important findings of the study is that the repeated sprint in a straight line and the repeated sprint with change of direction represent two independent capacities, both before and after growth. This study also showed that five jump test predicts 77.4% of the total time recorded in the repeated sprint in a straight line test in the pre- Peak height velocity group. For the post-peak velocity group, the study showed that countermovement The explosive index predicts together accounted for 65.8% of the total time recorded in the repeated sprint in a straight line test (p = 0.000). The physical and Coach study, which took into consideration these results, recommended the assessment and the development of the ability of sprint in a straight line and the sprint with change of direction.