English abstract
This study aimed to construct of a scale for emotions management of the educational supervisors in the Sultanate of Oman. It aimed to find out its psychometric properties in terms of validity, reliability, and performance norms.The sample size consisted of 335 supervisors from the Omani educational regions. The scale was applied during the first semester of the academic year 2010-2011. The validity has been verified by three methods: face validity, factorial validity and concurrent validity. To investigate the factorial structure of the scale, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the data using the principal components method with Varimax rotation. The results showed that there was a triple factor structure accordine to "Kaiser" test. To investigate concurrent validity, the total scale scores were correlated with Wakeman's scale. Results showed a statistically significant positive correlation of .43. The reliability has been verified using internal consistency (n=335). The Cronbach's alpha for the total scale's stores was 0.80. The effectiveness of the 19 items of the scale has been verified by calculating the correlation coefficients between each item and its corresponding domain. Having established the required psychometric properties of the scale, the performance norms were derived using percentile ranks because of their ease, clarity, and ability to determine the location of an individual relative to the standard group to which he or she belongs. Since there were no significant differences in the scale averages of males and females, the norms were derived for both males and females combined. Finally, a number of recommendations and suggestions have been introduced