English abstract
In this research "The lullaby in the Modern Arabic literature", conspicuous of many modern texts with lullaby. This study collected both the theoretical and practical aspects. I have divided this research into an introduction, four chapters and conclusion.
In the first chapter, I have described the child's literature, illustrated the concept of lullaby and the terms that related to. Then, I have introduced the lullaby in the ancient Arabic literature. Also I have explained the purposes of these songs and the linguistic characteristics. Besides, I have studied its rhythm , focusing on the determination of the external construction, rhythm, sectional structure and the antithesis.
In the second chapter, 1 have discussed the definition of the compatibility, identified the concept of the compatibility and shown the compatibility in the Arabic and foreign criticism. After that, I have discussed the mechanisms of the compatibility and its sources, sections, indicators and problems. As I have illustrated the issue of the compatibility, the productivity of the text and the aesthetics of compatibility. Briefly, this is the theoretical aspect of the research. I have divided the practical aspect into two chapters. These chapters are chapter three and chapter four.
In chapter three, I have discussed the compatibility in the poetry and plays. I have chosen two poems "The Song of Mother by Hashim Al-rifai" and "A Song for My Child by Nazik Almalaikah". Also, I have chosen one play text "The Rape play by Saad Allah and Nawras". First, I have written a background about the author and the text. In addition, I have identified the linguistic, rhythmic, stylistic and purposes of the compatibility in these texts. Then, I have discussed some critical issues by explaining how the lullaby worked in these texts.
In the fourth chapter, I have discussed the compatibility in the compatibility in the story of "The Squirrels Family by Kamel Kilani" and the novel of "Lullaby by Ahmed Khalid Tawfiq". I have written a background about the author and the liturary work. Then, I have shown the compatibility in these texts. In addition, I have shown the compatibility of the "lullaby novel" with English lullaby and "The novel of Lullaby Song by Chack Polanick".In the conclusion, in this study I have proved the importance of the lullaby and how it becomes a material of compatibility after used in the cultural works by literary people. The literary people invested those works to illustrate their thoughts and highlight their identity. Also, I have illustrated the work of creativity in the applied text. As I have identified their role in the modern texts and extrated the manifestations of creativity. The compatibility requires more deeper analysis of the text in order to convey a certain idea.