English abstract
The study aimed at investigating inclusion of human values in social studies textbooks in the second cycle of basic education in the Sultanate of Oman. A list of human values was developed included (42) values, divided into three domains: political, economic and social. The validity of was examined by a panel of referees and reliability was established by using Cooper test for percentage of agreement between analysts which was extend from (73-94).
The results of study showed the following: - The political values were highly ranked (53.13), followed by
economic values (27.2) and finally social values (19.8). - The inclusion of human values was varied within second cycles grades textbooks, grade nine textbook include (22.95%), followed by grade eight (22.87%), grade five (18.51%), grade six (14.98), grade ten (11.54%) and finally grade seven (9.15%). - The study recommended the need to include human values in school curricula and draw attention to the development of human values in the hearts of students through the curricula and also highlighted a number of recommendations and proposals relevant to the subject of the study.