English abstract
This study aimed at identifying the citizenship characteristics in globalization era which is implied in the contents of the social studies text books grades five to ten. In order to answer the questions of this study the researcher has prepared a list of citizenship characteristics that should be available in these text books, content. These characteristics were derived from a various studies and researches then given in a list to the referees to get there opinions. At last the list was ready in its last version which contained (77) characteristics, divided into five different categories: political, social, economic, legal and cultural.
The researcher analyzed the content of the social studies text books grades 5 to 10 in the light of the list to identify the implicit and the explicit characteristics of citizenship that implied in the content and assigned the idea as the analysis unit. The researcher analyzed a representative sample of the text books and used another analyzer to get the constancy. The constancy percentage of the two analyzers was between 73.3% and 85%.
The following are the main findings of the study: 1- A list of the citizenship characteristics in global era that should be implied in social studies text books grades 5 to 10. 2- There was great concentration on social, political, economic and cultural characteristics while the legal characteristics did not get the proper portion of concentration according to the total recurrences and the percentage of the implying in all the books. 3-There was a variation in the citizenships characteristics in the content of the six social studies text books and the differences were in favours of the social studies text books of grade 8. citizenship characteristics in this grade were higher in order than the other grades with a percentage of 27%.
According to results, the study proposed recommendations and came up with a various suggestions over the topic that has been researched .