English abstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the training needs required in the strategic planning for principals and their assistances of primary schools for grades 1-10 in the Sultanate of Oman from their point of view. Also to discover the impact of gender job , experience, educational region and training courses in strategic planning in specifying the process of strategic planning. a sample consisting of (114) principals and (141) principals assistant, help for the academic year 2009/2010 in the schools related to general directorates of education of Muscat, North Batinah region ,South Batinah region and the Dakliah region. The resarcher used questionnaire as a major tool for the study. It consisted of (57) items distributed to (5) categories (analysis of the internal and external schools environment, schools vision, mision and its strategic aims, preparation of strategic plan, implementation of strategic plan and following up and evaluation of strategic plan). It confirmed the veracity of the tool through presenting it on a group of arbitrators and coefficient alpha reliability (0.96).
The data Was processed using averages, standard deviations, (T- Test) and test analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA).
the majority of training needs in the strategic planning of the five categories of the study considered the needs of a high degree of training for school principals and their assistances in all educational region where the arithmetic average of the total training needs about (3.52). The presence of statistically significant differences at the significance level (a = 0,05) in all categories of the study that due to the variable type for males. No statistically significant differences at the significance level (a = 0,05) due to the variable job title of principals and their assistances, area of expertise and educational region. No statistically significant differences at the significance level (a = 0,05) due to the variable training courses in strategic planning in four categories of the study for principals and their assistants, except the category (follow-up and evaluation of the Strategic Plan) and for the benefit of not attending training
courses. According to the results of the study the researcher recommends that the strategic planning for schools is very important through conducting training sessions and include various categories in the strategic planning and the involvement of principals and assistants in identifying their training needs in the planning process, as well as involving them in meetings, educational conferences and symposiums. The researcher suggests that ministry of education in Sultanate of Oman have to adapt the guideline for training needs presented by this study.