English abstract
The objective of this study was to identify some social, individual and family factors contributing to the juvenile's delinquency as perceived by juveniles and workers dealing with them and comparison between their views. Study population consisted male juveniles in centers of the social affairs and 23 staff in social development, dealing directly with them during 2009. The survey inventory was tall all juveniles during doing this study, and the sample was 21 juveniles. To gather the data, the researcher developed a questionnaire composed of 54 items, covering three major fields: social, self and family. Means, One t.test, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that the important social factors were: poor use of leisure time, promiscuity and obscene films on TV and cinema, social outlook for juveniles, low level of education for juveniles, merge ex- juvenile in schools and society organizations, the impact of bad peers, lack of giving the right guidance programs in the schools, the police care for juveniles are not enough, no programs in schools to follow up early delinquency, the counseling staff that work in society organizations are not qualified. Also results showed that the important personal were: feeling that the others do not respect the juveniles, the juvenile becomes upset soon, low level of education for juvenile, feeling of mistrust against his family, and finally, the juveniles are not responsible about his behavior. Regarding family factors, the study showed the important factors were: absence the guide of the family for long time, lack of love within the family, the family income is low, conflict between the parents, there is no guidance from parent, juvenile rejected
by his parent after doing something wrong or get bad marks from schools, the parent prefer one of the child to other, one or both of the parents are drinking, and lack of communication between family and social organization. The study also showed that there is significant difference in views between the juveniles and the workers in social factors related to workers. Researcher recommended taking some steps to face juvenile problems through out these three factors.