English abstract
Mobile service providers namely Oman Mobile and Nawras have installed a number of mobile base stations at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) campus to service a large number of users. They provide three types of mobile communications technologies which are GSM, UMTS and WiMax. These stations radiate different amounts of power depending on the technology used. However, the signals radiated from these mobile base stations are nonionizing electromagnetic (EM) signals. These types of radiations have an ability to increase the heat of human tissue rabidly which might involve damage if the body is not able to support the excessive heat. As a way to make people aware of this danger, international organizations specify limits and provide standards to protect people from these EM radiations.
In this MSc project, the radiation levels of base stations at SQU installed at different locations were measured and compared with international standard limits. The radiation levels at SQU campus measured in this work are far below the limits set by the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). In addition to the experimental work, a simple model was developed to calculate the expected EM radiation levels at any location in SQU before performing field measurements.