أسرار تقديم الألفاظ وتأخيرها في المتشابه اللفظي في القرآن الكريم.
الهنائي, إبراهيم بن عبد الله بن سليمان.
English abstract
The researcher analysed the secrets of preceding and delaying the
similar utterances in the Holly Quraan. This dissertation consists of three sections: the introduction and other sections The introduction here the researcher discusses the definition of both preceding and delaying of similar at utterances according to the linguistics experts.
Section 1
The preceding of similar utterances in the holy Koran and the delaying of them in nouns are articulated in this section focusing on different types of nouns.
Section 2
In this section the focus is mainly on verbs so the researcher is looking at the preceding of similar utterances and the delaying of them focusing on verbs and highlighting these features in different types of verbs.
In section 3 the researcher is looking at the positions and the connection with the preceding and delaying of similar utterances in the holly Quraan. The researcher followed the analysis approach, so similar utterances in the holly Quraan are analysed both preceding and delaying. All of these are gathered in an appendix. Then this is described presenting linguistic's views and giving the researcher's own opinion.