English abstract
Purpose. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between sprint with and without change of direction and jumping abilities in female physical education students at Sultan Qaboos University. Methods. Twenty-eight female students participated in this study. They were tested on three occasions, separated by periods of 2 days. After tests familiarization, they performed six types of jumping test: Squat Jump, Countermovement Jump, Drop Jump, Horizontal Jump, Five Jump test, Three Jump test; and two types of Sprinting test: 20m on line and 20m with change of direction (4*5m). Results. The study showed the following results: No significant relationship between sprint 20m on line and sprint 20m with change of direction (4*5m), a significant correlation between performance of sprint on line and Countermovement Jump (p>0.005) and reactive strength index (p<0.001), no relationship between performance in sprint on line and horizontal Jumping, a significant correlation between performance in sprint with change of direction and Horizontal Jump (p<0.005) and Five Jump (p<0.005). On the other hand, the results showed that reactive strength index (RSI) can predict 40% of the performance in sprint 20m on line. When the RSI was associated with the Eccentric utilization ratio, they can predict 55% of the performance in sprint 20m on line (p<0.008). Conclusion. sprints on line and with change of direction have different physical demands and each one has its own features and requirements. The stretch- shortening cycle and the explosive strength can be considered as two essential parameters for developing performance in sprint with and without change of direction.