English abstract
The Sultanate of Oman has been facing both policy and operational challenges in regard to non-compliance in the fisheries sector. The main objective of this study was to identify the influences of the potential factors of fisheries non-compliance in the artisanal fisheries of the Al-Batinah region.
The study was performed in two wilayats of the Al-Batinah region, namely: Barka and Al-Suwaiq. A random sample of 100 fishermen was selected with 48 from Barka and 52 from Al-Suwaiq. In this study, random sampling was used to select respondents. A survey was carried out using face-to-face interview to collect data besides the direct observations. data and information collected on fisheries non-compliance were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.
Based on the results of this study, It is apparent that the average age of the interviewed fishers in the study areas was 40.6 years. Furthermore, about 90% of these fishermen involved in the fishery for more than 10 years and more than 60% of them found to be working as full-time. It was found that most of the interviewed fisheries (51%) were involved in more than one fishery and use different fishing gears. It was also found that the Fisheries extension services are characterized as the best mode for raising awareness of fisheries issues. While, the mass media (such as, newspapers, television and radio) and ministry notices are also playing an important role in creating more responsible attitudes towards compliance and resource use. The results showed that the management meetings and the Senat Al-Bahar Committee are not influential in communicating fisheries issue with fishers. Furthermore, the results showed that the most of the respondents do not follow these traditional rules when engage in fishing activities. The most preferred communication mode was mass media and the mobile short messages services (SMS). This perhaps indicates that there is a need for using advanced technologies to facilitate the communication with fishers in an accelerated and effective way. In most cases, fisher's perceptions regarding fisheries non-compliance factors varied from wilayat to wilayat. However, there were high levels of agreement among fishers indicating the importance of fisheries enforcement, legal procedural fairness, the role of the legal institution, peer pressure, and moral development in influencing fisher's compliance behavior.
The study recommended that the management authority should consider designing and planning effective compliance strategies and action plan, the multi-category and multigear natures of the fisheries, the differences in fishers' views and design appropriate strategies to promote resource stewardship and long-term sustainability to fishing communities.
It is hoped that the findings from this study will encourage further research in these field and help the fisheries managers in the Ministry of Fisheries Wealth in drawing up effective management strategies.