English abstract
This study aimed to identify the problems of teachers' communication with their students from the point of view of grades nine and ten students and teachers at Sharqiah South Directorate schools. The researcher used the qualitative approach in analyzing the content and the quantity approach with some of the results. The researcher applied two instruments, the first was the focus group to know the problems that hinder communication between teachers and their students, the reasons and the effects based on these problems. The study was applied on a sample of 96 female students and 119 teacher. The second instrument was the preference scales to identify the teachers' awareness for the presence of these problems, reasons behind them, their effects and the degree of agreement. Designing of the second instrument was based on the discussion sessions of students' responses as they were sorted out ,collected and divided into alignment by the researcher. To analyze the teachers' responses (SPSS) was used. The results of the study showed there are two types of problems which hinder students communication and their initiative, some are related with students and others are related to teachers. Moreover, there are other three categories which prevent clear understanding of the teacher in which are related to the teacher, the student or the classroom environment also there are three categories which are related to the problems related to the teacher, the student and other reasons that prevent the teachers' communication with their students.
The point of view of teachers according to the factor of experience were the same at the (> 0.05) level for the frequency occurrence of these problems except for the problem of (students' repeated bad behavior) for the experience between (7- 12) years and the problem of (absent minded students)for the teachers who are experience aged from 12 upwards.
The point of view of teachers and their students were the same in the ordering of these problems according to the degree of their importance in (26 ) problems out of( 38) problems Whereas they differ in the ordering of 12 problems according to their priority to both teachers and students.