English abstract
The objective of the current study are to identify the degree of effectiveness of the teacher training programs provided to the teachers, in the educational training centres in Dakhiliya Province in the Sultanate of Oman, from the trainees' perspectives. Thus, this study were aimed to explore whether there is a statistical variation in the perceptions of trainees of the effectiveness of the programs due to the variables (gender, qualification, years of experience, frequency of attending training programs and school level).
This study is based on the descriptive design method. The main instrument of data collection was a questionnaire, which was divided into five aspects (training needs analysis, training outcomes, training design, training execution, training evaluation and follow up). The participants were 291, purposely selected, of those attended training programs in 2016 in the training centre in Dakiliya Province.
Finding showed that trainees' views of the effectiveness of the training programs is generally high. The area of training execution was stated to be very high while participants' evaluation of the other four elements (raining needs analysis, training outcomes, training design, training evaluation and follow up) is high. Furthermore, this study also indicates that there is difference in teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of training programs due to the following variables: the number of years of experience in teaching for (5-10 years of experience), qualifications, and gender for (females). In contrast, there is no big difference identified due to the variable of the school level and the variable of number of programs attended in the training centres in Dakhiliya Province. The study ends with several recommendations for better practice of in-service training in training centers. These recommendations include the necessity of categorizing training centers and following up their work based on detailed scientific criteria. These criteria should focus on performance, efficiency, and the quality of programs provided. It is also crucial to do needs analysis surveys for all teachers throughout the academic year.