القيم الخلقية في الشعر العماني الحديث : ديوان أبي مسلم البهلاني مثالا.
الشعيلي, صالح بن محمد بن سالم.
English abstract
This study shows to which extent the Omani poetry is in influenced by morals and values that is driven from the Islamic instructions in Diwan Alshaik Abi Muslim Al Bahlani( poetary collection). The study consists of introduction and four chapters. The introduction has literal and linguistic definitions of moral value and literature review about moral values on Arabic and Omani poetry before the studied age. The introduction is concluded with a summary about the poet Abi Muslim Al Bahlani. Then, The first chapter is titled with Religious Values and it has thirteen topics about religious values which is summarized from Diwan Abi Muslim Al Bahlani. The second chapter is titled with Social values and it has twelve topics about social values from Diwan Abi Muslim. The third chapter is about military values and it consists of six topics includes military values. The fourth chapter is about arts studies and it has three topics about meaning diction and style. The study ends with conclusion and result summarized from the study.