English abstract
This study examines a significant dilemma of present times and that is narcotic drugs, their provisions, and impact on acts of worship. This study is unique in its kind as it is the first that researches this topic independently from a jurisprudential perspective. This study adopted primarily the inductive approach in addition to the comparative approach to distinguish the Islamic legal schools, the four Sunni schools and the Ibadi school, taking into consideration the latest medical developments. The study aims at different segments of society including: doctors, patients and academics. The present study consists of three chapters; the introductory chapter explaining narcotic drugs, the differences between them, and related terminology. In addition, it presents the different types of drugs, their classifications, followed by their impact and damage. The first chapter discusses the jurisprudential adaptation of the narcotic drugs and their provisions in regards to their purity and their general use aside from their private use for treatment in case of necessity or need. The last chapter highlights the impact of these drugs on prayer and fasting.
The study concludes with significant findings that revealed some significant differences between the nature of narcotic drugs and intoxicants. Beside that, the changing conditions of narcotics cannot be limited to one provision in the law since the parameters are different in each case. The modern narcotic drugs have a pure origin as they are plant derivatives. Further, they do not cause addiction if they are used according to medical guidelines and whenever need requires them.
I ask Allah for acceptance and approval and peace and blessing be upon our Messenger Mohammed.