
الرقابة على الأمر بالحبس الاحتياطيِ في القانونِ العُماني : دراسة مقارنة.

جامعة السلطان قابوس.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The issue of Remand (pre-trial or provisional detention) is one of the most serious and thorny issues in actual application since it does, as one of the sensitive investigation procedures, deprive the freedom of the accused: his freedom is taken away for a period of time, which is the time it takes for him to be remanded in custody even though he has not yet been convicted; it does thus undermine the presumption of innocence (until proven guilty) besides its negative effects on the accused himself and his family. In view of this, there should be some sort of control over the entity issuing the order of remand so as to guarantee the accused remanded in custody. This study discusses the principles underlying the control of the order of remand, which can only be achieved by ensuring the right of the accused to challenge the warrant of remand before a higher judicial authority, in a manner that enables the overseeing authority to remain triggered. The problem of this study centered around the extent to which the Omani Code of Criminal Procedures promulgated by Royal Decree No. 97/99 guarantees effective control over the order issued for the provisional detention of the accused. The main conclusions of this study are: Reasoning is one of the most important guarantees imposed by comparative laws on the issuer of the pre-trial detention order, represented in its limitation of the power of issuer of such order, and in the rectification of its possible errors/drawbacks to safeguard the rights and freedom of the accused conferred under law; that there be a legislative deficiency in the oversight system upon the orders of remand in the Omani Code of Criminal Procedures, as the right of appeal under Article (59) of the said law does not provide the Accused with efficacious protection, unlike other comparative laws studied herein. The present researcher makes a number of recommendations including mandatory reasoning of and detailed convincing justification for the issuance of the orders of remands, amendment of Article (59) of the said law to include the possibility of appealing such orders issued by any party, the Public Prosecution or the Court of First Instance, and announcement of penalties incurred if the Accused's appeal is not resolved within the legal period prescribed.
الملخص العربي
تناقشُ الدراسةُ أصولَ تحقيقِ الرقابةِ على أمر الحبس الاحتياطي والذي يُعدُّ من أهمِ الموضوعاتِ الشائكةِ وأخطرِها في مجال التطبيق العملي ، ولا تتحقق تلك الرقابة إلا بالنص على حق المتهم في الطعن على الأمر الصادر بحبسه احتياطياً أمام جهة قضائية أعلى درجة ، مع النص على اشتراط تسبيب أمر الحبس الاحتياطي ؛ لتتمكنَ الجهةُ التي تنظرُ الطعنَ من بسط رقابتها عليه. وتجسدتْ إشكاليةُ هذه الدراسةِ حول مدى كفالة قانون الإجراءات الجزائية العماني للرقابة الناجعة على الأمر الصادر بحبس المتهم احتياطيا
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الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية