
الوعي المعلوماتي لاختصاصـي الوثائِــق بالمؤسساتِ الحكومِية العمانية : دِراسة تقييمية باستخدام نموذَج المهَارات السِت الكبرى.

عناوين أخرى
Information awareness of documents specialists in Omani government institutions: an evaluation study using the six major skills model Nasser bin Saeed bin Mubarak Al-Jedeedi
جامعة السلطان قابوس.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study dealt with the reality of information awareness of document specialists in Omani government institutions, by identifying the reality of their information awareness through the use of the Big Six skills model to solve information problems, and to identify the expected benefits of increasing the information awareness skills of document specialists, and to reveal the challenges facing documents specialists in the field of information awareness. The study relied on the mixed approach (Method Mixed) to achieve the objectives of the study by collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data for the skills of the documents specialist in Omani government institutions, the researcher relied on collecting the data required to prepare this study on an intentional sample estimated at (120) document specialists and (20) interviews for some documents specialists in those institutions.The quantitative approach was based on the use of Questionnaire to obtain quantitative data in order to identify the awareness of the documentation specialist of the concept of information literacy and related issues, and the availability of information literacy skills by adopting the Big Six skills model to solve information problems. The second stage was the use of the qualitative approach, which is represented in the adoption of open interviews (individual and group) for some document specialists according to some variables, in order to obtain Qualitative data to reveal the most prominent challenges and expected benefits of increasing information literacy skills and related issues in document management from the point of view of the document specialist. The results of the study found that some information literacy skills are available among documentation specialists in Omani government institutions by adopting the Big Six skills model to solve information problems. The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the information skills of the six major skills model for the variable of gender, academic institution and date of academic qualification, due to the development of skills, educational curricula and languages adopted for teaching in different educational institutions, and to the different scientific levels, individual abilities and skills among the documentation specialist in the mentioned periods. For the statistically significant differences ح of the administrative division variable in the documents departments and sections, the results of The study found no statistically significant differences in Omani government institutions due to the similarity of the nature of the tasks and functional work associated with the documentation specialist. The study also showed a number of expected benefits from increasing the information awareness skills of the documents specialist, the most important of which is the ability of specialists to search for issues related to documents when knowing the most important information skills in the field of information awareness and knowledge of information awareness skills that contribute to identifying the professional and ethical aspects in dealing with information and data related to documents. As for the challenges facing the document specialist in the field of information awareness, they include educational, legislative, human and material challenges for document systems and divisions concerned with government institutions, the most prominent of which was that the curricula and strategies of teaching information awareness and strategies are weak and useless, and the weak awareness of the document specialist in research and e-learning of information skills, and the inappropriateness of scientific laboratories and educational workshops in colleges and universities that teach documents and archives sciences in the development of Information awareness skills, and weak laws and standards related to the confidentiality and preservation of information and making it available to beneficiaries. The study came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that those in charge of developing academic educational programs give importance to document specialists to integrate information awareness skills in the preparation and dissemination of scientific research, reconsider and develop the academic courses offered, and establish a specialized center for information awareness skills for functions related to documents in order to facilitate dealing with information, evaluating, analyzing and using it.
الملخص العربي
تناولت هذه الدراسة واقع الوعي المعلوماتي لاختصاصيي الوثائق في المؤسسات الحكومية العمانية، من خلال التعرف على واقع الوعي المعلوماتي لديهم من خلال استخدام نموذج المهارات الست الكبرى لحل مشاكل المعلومات وتحديدها
الفوائد المتوقعة من زيادة مهارات الوعي المعلوماتي لاختصصي الوثائق، والكشف عن التحديات التي تواجههم في مجال
الوعي المعلوماتي.
واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج المزجي (Method mixed) لتحقيق
أهداف الدراسة من خلال جمع وتحليل البيانات الكمية والنوعية لمهارات أختصاصي الوثائق في المؤسسات الحكومية العمانية اعتمد الباحث بشأن جمع البيانات اللازمة لإعداد هذه الدراسة على عينة قصدية تقدر بـ
(120) اختصاصي وثائق (20) مقابلة لبعض اختصاصي الوثائق في المؤسسات اللحكومية العمانية. أعتمد عالمنهج الكمي على استخدام استبانة للحصول على البيانات الكمية بهدف التعرف على مدى وعي أختصاصي الوثائق بمفهوم الوعي المعلوماتي والقضايا المرتبطة به.
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية

مواد أخرى لنفس الموضوع

الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية
المحرزية, سعاد بنت ناصر بن فريش.
جامعة السلطان قابوس.