Analysis of internal solitary waves in the Gulf of Oman and sources responsible for their generation.
Stepanyants, Yury., مؤلف
الملخص الإنجليزي
A combination of multiple data sources has been used to study the characteristics of in ternal solitary waves (ISWs) in the Gulf of Oman (GoO). Water column stratification in the Gulf has
been examined using field observations and World Ocean Atlas 2018 datasets. The spatiotemporal
distribution of ISWs has been obtained from satellite images obtained by means of Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) and optical sensors taken from 2018 to 2020. The mechanisms of ISW generation in the
GoO have been studied using the data revealed from different available sources. The results show
that there are annually two major typical stratifications in the GoO throughout the year, strong strati fication in May through September and weak stratification during other months. Dispersion relations
corresponding to these types of stratification have been obtained with acceptable accuracy for both
deep and shallow regions. The spatiotemporal distribution of ISWs demonstrates that the western
and southern regions of the GoO are the hotspots for generation of ISWs in this basin. Several mecha nisms of ISW generation in the GoO are discussed including tide, eddies, lee waves, and atmospheric
perturbation; the latter one is, apparently, responsible for the appearance of large-amplitude ISWs.
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