Composition and genesis of depleted mantle peridotites from the Wadi Tayin massif, Oman ophiolite; major and trace element geochemistry, and Os isotope and PGE systematics.
DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egp077
Oxford University Press.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The Oman ophiolite consists of several massifs cropping out along a 500 km long band trending NW-SE along the coast of Oman; it is one of the best exposed sections of oceanic crust and mantle in the world. There is a gradient in igneous processes and composition in the ophiolite, with the northern massifs recording a polygenetic igneous history involving an increasingly important subduction component, whereas the southern massifs were formed primarily via a mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like, single-stage process at a submarine spreading ridge. In this study we use geochemical data from Wadi Tayin, which is one of the southern massifs of the Oman ophiolite, to constrain the composition and genesis of oceanic crust and upper mantle. The Wadi Tayin harzburgites are residues of partial melting that are as depleted as the most depleted mid-ocean ridge peridotites. They have low middle- to heavy rare earth element ratios, most probably reflecting melting close to and beyond the exhaustion of clinopyroxene. Like many abyssal peridotites, the Wadi Tayin samples show enrichment in highly incompatible elements, giving rise to U-shaped MORB-normalized trace element patterns. We favor the idea that this is caused by enrichment of highly incompatible elements along grain boundaries in peridotite, which may be the result of near-equilibrium partitioning between grain boundaries and grain interiors, rather than disequilibrium processes. Equilibrium partitioning between crystals and grain boundaries during melting and melt extraction is also our preferred explanation for ubiquitous high Pb contents relative to Ce and La in our samples as well as in most abyssal peridotites. The Wadi Tayin samples record substantial variability in terms of osmium isotopic composition and platinum group element (PGE) concentrations. The more radiogenic nature of the dunites and impregnated peridotites compared with the residual harzburgites may be due to relatively high . 187Os/. 188Os in melt transported through the dunites. The presence of residual peridotites with whole-rock osmium isotopic compositions less radiogenic than MORB may be explained by melting of a veined (upwelling) mantle forming mixed melts in which much of the Os derives from veins with high Re/Os in a matrix of previously depleted peridotite. An important result of this study is that the shallowest samples are refertilized (i.e. anomalously enriched in incompatible elements), and record relatively high metamorphic closure temperatures. These observations suggest that migrating melt underwent crystallization during rapid cooling in the uppermost mantle during and immediately after ridge magmatism. A variety of geothermometers all yield the result that the stratigraphically highest harzburgites equilibrated at higher temperature than the deeper ones. The systematic decrease in closure temperature with increasing depth below the Moho transition zone probably reflects systematic variation in cooling rate as a function of depth in the mantle section. We hypothesize that the refertilization and higher closure temperatures recorded by the uppermost mantle samples are linked. More rapid cooling led to higher closure temperatures, and to partial crystallization of migrating melts in the shallowest part of the mantle section, yielding slightly elevated abundances of elements such as Ca and Na, and incompatible trace elements.
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