
The Effect of social influence and facilitating conditions on e-government acceptance from the individual employees' perspective.

DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2016.14.2.02
Czestochowa University of Technology.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study benefited from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model through choosing two constructs from this model (Social influence, and Facilitating Conditions) to investigate their impact on employees' intention to adopt electronic government in Sultanate of Oman. To collect the requested data, a manually administered questionnaire-based survey was used. The valid questionnaires for the analysis were 209 questionnaires which represent a rate of (83.6%) of the selected sample; this response rate is considered a very good rate in the field of Information Systems. To confirm the internal consistency of construct and measures validity, Factor analysis and Reliability test were used for this purpose. In addition to, the multiple linear regression was used to test the study hypotheses. Overall, the adopted model explained a small portion of the whole deviation in employees' Intention to adopt e-government. Meanwhile, both constructs social influence, and facilitating conditions have a significant effect on employees to adopt the electronic government. Government has to disseminate the awareness among groups of social influence about the benefits of using electronic government and clarify them that the transform to e-government does not mean that the government will abandon its employees. As well as, the government has to improve the organizational and technical infrastructure which will be used to perform the e-government tasks. The study originality derives from studying employees' perspective as individuals, not as representatives of government institutions. Which considered the first study attempted to investigate the employees' intention to adopt e-government. Furthermore, the study narrowed UTUAT model which focused only on two constructs of this model.
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مقالات الدوريات

مواد أخرى لنفس الموضوع

الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية
Al-Hosni, Nasser Mohammed.
Sultan Qaboos University