
Innovative thermal heating system for viscosity mitigation of crude oil in pipeline transportation.

Master's thesis
مكان النشر
Sultan Qaboos University
نوع الرسالة الجامعية
Master's thesis
الملخص الإنجليزي
Crude oil is an important element in the global energy market, specifically in the petroleum sector. However, the transportation of heavy crude oils is complicated by their high viscosity, resulting in increased energy consumption and operational expenses. Addressing these challenges is essential to improving the efficiency of petroleum transport. This research study has aimed to design a novel system that employs solar thermal energy associated with a thermal energy storage system to efficiently reduce heavy crude oil viscosity. This initiative was inspired by the limitations of existing conventional heating methods, which predominantly rely on fossil fuels and entail higher energy consumption and environmental destruction. In contrast, the proposed system harnesses renewable energy, providing a cleaner, more costeffectivealternative solution. The research study began with a comprehensive literature review, identifying thermal heating as the most effective and efficient method for reducing viscosity. However, a significant gap was found: the lack of renewable energy solutions in crude oil transportation. This finding shaped the research methodology, combining theoretical frameworks with empirical data to design the stand-alone thermal heating system. The system was designed to ensure that the oil temperature could be raised from 46°C to a minimum of 50.797°C while keeping the viscosity below the threshold value of 500 cP. The system featured multiple operational modes: ModeI harnessed solar energy during the day, while Mode-II used the stored energy in the Thermal Energy Storage System during the night. If necessary, auxiliary heating through a PV panel was employed in Modes III and IV to meet thermal demands. Mathematical models were developed to simulate the system's thermal performance, accounting for seasonal variations in solar intensity. Key findings showed that the system effectively reduced crude oil viscosity during warmer months, reaching temperatures up to 53°C. Even in colder months, the system’s flexibility allowed it to maintain performance by integrating the auxiliary heating system when solar energy was insufficient. Economic analysis confirmed the system's feasibility, revealing a payback period of just three years and an internal rate of return of 38.9%. With a net present value exceeding $4 million, the system shows strong potential for industrial adoption. This research study has confirmed that integrating the stand-alone solar thermal heating system for viscosity reduction in heavy crude oils was not only feasible but also superior to conventional methods.
الملخص العربي
تعتمد أسواق الطاقة العالمية عل النفط الخام كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة والاقتصاد. تواجه الشركات المنتجة للنفط الخام مشكلة معقدة مرتبطة باللزوجة العالية لبعض أنواع النفط الخام مما يتطلب ي مصاريف الطاقة تقليل اللزوجة إلى الحد الذي يسمح بنقلها بسلاسة, وتنعكس هذا: الإجراء على زيادة على مصارف الطاقة والتشغيل.إن معالجة هذا التحدي أمر مهم لتحسين كفاءة نقل النفط. يقدم هذا البحث حلا جدياً: نظام تسخين حراري مستقل مدعوم بالطاقة المتجددة.
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية