
Light chain deposition disease presenting as cholestatic jaundice : a case report.

DOI 10. 5001/omj.2012.12
Sandhya, V., مؤلف
Krishnaveni, J., مؤلف
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Light-chain deposition disease (LCDD) is characterized by tissuedeposition of the immunoglobulin light chains in multiple organs.These deposits appear similar to amyloid on routine sections, butdiffer in their staining properties and ultrastructural appearance.The deposits of LCCD are non -Congophilic and do not exhibit afibrillar ultrastructure; while, the proteinaceous substance seen inprimary amyloidosis is Congo red positive and fibrillar. One of themost common organs to be involved in LCDD is the kidney. Earlierreports on cases of LCDD have mostly shown simultaneous liverand renal involvement, there are very few cases in the literaturedescribing LCDD of the liver without renal involvement. Thisreport describes a patient who presented with severe cholestaticjaundice and liver cell failure with normal renal function.
Kumar, Prasanna N., Sandhya, V., Venkatakrishnan, L., Krishnaveni, J., Mohanakrishnan, A., & Nirmala, V. (2012). Light chain deposition disease presenting as cholestatic jaundice : a case report. Oman Medical Journal, 27 (1), 56-59.
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