
Modeling Mahwis formation in South Oman Salt Basin (Eastern Flank), field segmentation and effect of geological features in the production of viscous.

عناوين أخرى
نمذجة تكوين الماهويس في حوض ملح جنوب عمان (الجناح الشرقي)، تجزئة الحقل وـاثير الصفات الجيولوجية في انتاج الزيت اللزج
Sultan Qaboos University.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Mahwis Formation is a significant Middle Cambrian clastic reservoir in South Oman Salt Basin. This study documents a sedimentological, petrographical, and reservoir quality evaluation of the well data in X-Field, South Oman, to determine the depositional setting, reservoir quality characteristics and construct a 3D model of the Cambrian Mahwis Formation. The Thirty-three wells drilled in X Field, core data, and a 3D seismic profiles were used as the data set of the study. The cored Mahwis Formation comprises fluvial sandstones with subordinate mud clast-dominated conglomerates, deposited in weakly channelized, transitional channelized/sheet flood, and fluvial sheet flood environments. Interpretation of un-cored succession is limited to a three subdivision that includes clean sandstone, hetrolith sandstone, non-reservoir (lacustrine shale or cemented tight rock). Previous work on the Mahwis Formation indicates that this formation represents a high net:gross interval that contains a number of laterally correlatable, relatively clean sandstone intervals. Meanwhile, the well X-18H1 sandstones contain few baffles to vertical/horizontal flow. However, intensely cemented horizons have the potential to locally reduce vertical permeability. The Grain size appears to be the principal control on reservoir potential, permeability typically increasing with increasing grain size. There is also a positive trend between grain size and secondary porosity, suggesting that porosity has been enhanced by feldspar dissolution in the coarser-grained sandstones. Kaolinite and illite are the major clay minerals formed by the decomposition of feldspar. Minor dolomite and calcite cement cause localized degradation of porosity and permeability. The reservoir hydrocarbon performance is controlled by reservoir quality, reservoir architecture, fluid properties, etc. The Mahwis reservoir is good to excellent reservoir in terms of rock properties, the pay interval consists of good porosity and permeability. The low recovery factor of Mahwis is controlled mainly by oil viscosity. The viscous oil with the presence of lateral baffles led to quick watering of wells and meanwhile reducing overall X-Field recovery factor. The presence of viscous oil within good reservoir quality reservoir with low reservoir pressure is a good candidate for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by steam flood.
الملخص العربي
تشكل الماهويس خزاناً صخرياً هاماً في وسط الكمبري في الحوض الملحي جنوب عمان. توثق هذه الدراسة تقييم جودة الترسبات والبتروغرافيا والمكمن لبيانات الآبار في حقل X جنوب عمان، لتحديد الإعداد الترسيبي وخصائص جودة الخزان وبناء نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد لتكوين ماهويس الكمبري.
تم استخدام الآبار الثلاثة والثلاثين التي تمحفرها في حق X والبيانات الأساسية والزلزالية ثلاثية الأبعاد كمجموعة بيانات للدراسة.
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية

مواد أخرى لنفس الموضوع

مقالات الدوريات
Li, Jun.
مقالات الدوريات
Abu, Mahamuda.
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
مقالات الدوريات
Blood, Mark F.
Gulf PetroLink.
مقالات الدوريات
Gao, Chang Hong.