A novel V-silicone vestibular stent : preventing vestibular stenosis and preserving nasal valves.
DOI 10. 5001/omj.2012.13
Bhargava, Deepa., مؤلف
Al-Abri, Rashid., مؤلف
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This report presents a novel style of placing nasal stents. Patientsundergoing surgical procedures in the region of nasal vestibuleand nasal valves are at risk of developing vestibular stenosis andlifelong problems with the external and internal nasal valves;sequels of the repair. The objective of the report is to demonstratea simple and successful method of an inverted V- Stent placementto prevent potential complication of vestibular stenosis and nasalvalve compromise later in life. Following a fall on a sharp edge ofa metallic bed, a sixteen month old child with a deep laceratednasal wound extending from the collumellar base toward thetip of the nose underwent surgical exploration and repair of thenasal vestibule and nasal cavity. A soft silicone stent fashioned asinverted V was placed bilaterally. The child made a remarkablerecovery with no evidence of vestibular stenosis or nasal valveabnormalities. In patients with nasal trauma involving the nasalvestibule and internal and external nasal valves stent placementavoids sequels, adhesions, contractures, synechia vestibularstenosis and fibrosis involving these anatomical structures.The advantages of the described V- stents over the traditionalreadymade ridged nasal stents, tubing's and composite aural graftsare: a) technical simplicity of use, b) safety, c) less morbidity, d)more comfortable, and e) economical. To our knowledge, this isthe first report of such a stent for prevention of vestibular stenosisand preserving nasal valves.
URL المصدر
Al-Bassam, Wameedh, Bhargava, Deepa, & Al-Abri, Rashid (2012). A novel V-silicone vestibular stent : preventing vestibular stenosis and preserving nasal valves. Oman Medical Journal, 27 (1), 60-62.
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