
نشأة وتطور الدراما التليفزيونية العمانية خلال الفترة من (1976-2018) واتجاهات الشباب الجامعي نحوها.

جامعة السلطان قابوس.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Start and evolution of Omani TV Drama during the period from 1976 - 2018 and attitudes of University Students towards it Researcher: Shamsa Salim Abdullah Albadi The Study aimed at documenting the start and evolution of Omani TV drama and measuring the attitudes of University students towards it. The study depended on both historical methodology and media survey methodology. It used the tool of historical analysis of all available TV drama production documents and sources throughout 42 years; namely since the inception of Omani TV drama in 1976 till the end of 2018. A survey to measure the attitudes of Omani youth towards Omani TV drama was conducted during Spring 2019 on a sample of 381 students from the following Universities: Sultan Qaboos University, Sohar University, Dhofar University, Nizwa University, Al-Sharqiyah University, and Al-Buraimi University. The Study resulted into a number of findings. First, TV drama in the Sultanate of Oman dates back to 1976. Moreover, TV drama production in the Sultanate underwent many phases. In the seventies of the last century, the artistic aspects were modest and there was a shortage of human resources. In the eighties, 23 TV drama series were produced, mostly riddles and comedy. As time passed, TV drama witnessed improvements, both at the artistic level and in the number of screen writers, directors and actors/actresses. Therefore, in the nineties, 25 TV drama series were produced, in addition to 6 episodes, mostly tragic. In that decade, the system of 'executive producer' was employed for the first time in Omani TV drama production. The first decade of the present millennium witnessed abundancy in Omani TV drama production, through the production of 57 TV drama series and 20 drama episodes. But this progress declined drastically in the second decade (2014-2018), where only 6 series were produced. About the attitudes of the Omani youth towards Omani TV drama, the study found out that more than half (52%) of the sample surveyed watch Omani series with varying rates, while 48% do not watch them entirely. TV was among the main media for those surveyed to watch Omani series. Females are more inclined to watch comedy and social series than males, who prefer watching series of historical nature. The Study has also revealed that the primary motive of those surveyed to watch Omani series is amusement and entertainment. However, the most important gratification attained by watching those series is to spend enjoyable time with members of their families. The Study has indicated a relatively positive attitude by the surveyed youth towards the performance of the actors, the artistic elements, the dialect used and the topics dealt with in the Omani TV series. The most important recommendations at the artistic level are to select series writers rather meticulously and to improve directing methods.
الملخص العربي
تهدف الدراسة إلى التعرف على نشأة وتطور الدراما التليفزيونية العُمانية ، واتجاهات الشباب نحوها، بالاعتماد على كل من : المنهج التاريخي ومنهج المسح الإعلامي ، وقد استخدمت الدراسة نوعين من الأدوات هي : أداة التحليل التاريخي على عينة المواد الدرامية المُنتجة خلال 42 عاماً منذ انطلاق الدراما التليفزيونية العُمانيه عام 1976م وحتا نهايات عام 2018م ، كما تم استخدام صحيفة الاستقصاء على عينة مكونه من 381 مبحوثا منً الطلبة المنتسبين إلى الجامعات التالية ( جامعة السلطان قابوس و جامعة صحار وجامعة ظفار وجامعة نزوى وجامعة الشرقية وجامعة البريمي ) في فصل الربيع 2019
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية

مواد أخرى لنفس الموضوع

مقالات الدوريات
زيدان, عبد الرحمن.
مؤسسة عمان للصحافة والنشر والإعلان.