
Profile difference between male and female psychiatric patients seeking certificate of disability.

DOI 10. 5001/omj.2011.105
Gauba, Deepak., مؤلف
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Objective: Neuropsychiatric disorders are one of the majorcontributors to the global burden of disease and disability. Issue ofdisability in psychiatric disorders has been studied across multiplestudies in India. However, there are no reports on the profile andnature of disability among those seeking disability certificates.The current study aims at understanding the socio-clinical profileof patients seeking disability certificate in a tertiary care hospitalin India. Methods: The study was carried out in the Department ofPsychiatry of a tertiary care multispecialty teaching hospital. Achart review of the records of the patients referred for disabilityevaluation over a one year period was conducted. The disabilitywas assessed using IDEAS. In between group comparisons werecarried out for male and female subjects for different sociodemographicvariables, IDEAS total score and individuals itemscore using independent sample t test (parametric test) and MannWhitney-U test (non parametric test). Additionally, Spearman'srank order correlation was calculated to establish the level ofcorrelation between total IDEAS score and score on individualitems of the scale. Results: The subjects were diagnosed to have been sufferingfrom mental retardation 107 (61.8%), schizophrenia 54 (31.2%),dementia 5 (2.9%), bipolar affective disorder 4 (2.3%) andobsessive compulsive disorder 3 (1.7%) as per ICD-10. Male andfemale subjects differed significantly on the global IDEAS score.The total score was significantly higher for male subjects comparedto female subjects. The difference was statistically significant for"self care" and interpersonal activities items of the scale with malesubjects having higher disability scores. Conclusions: The current study provides some important insightsinto profile of disability certificate seeking individuals in India.
Balhara, Yatan Pal Singh, Gauba, Deepak, & Deshpande, Smita N. (2011). Profile difference between male and female psychiatric patients seeking certificate of disability. Oman Medical Journal, 26 (6), 410-415.
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مقالات الدوريات
Bait Amer, Ahmed.
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
مقالات الدوريات
Enwereji, Ezinne Ezinna.
Oman Medical Specialty Board.