
Risk factors associated with serum ferritin among non-pregnant Omani women : a secondary data analysis of the Oman National Nutritional Survey 2017.

Sultan Qaboos University.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional problem worldwide. Serum ferritin (<15µg/L), used as an indicator of Iron Deficiency (ID), is associated with fatigue, impaired cognitive function, decreased productivity, and reproductive health. According to the Oman National Nutrition Survey (ONNS) 2017, ID affects 24.80 % of non-pregnant Omani women at childbearing age (15-49 years). Reducing ID during childbearing age is important because it is associated with negative impacts on the women, the healthcare system, national economy, and pregnancy outcome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with serum ferritin levels among non-pregnant Omani women of the ONNS 2017. A total of 1384 women were included in the study. Ferritin was used as a continuous dependent variable. The study variables were grouped into three groups of risk factors. The first group, nutritional variables, included Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) to assess dietary patterns, and Body Mass Index (BMI) to assess chronic nutritional status. The second group, demographic variables, included age, years of education, marital status, and parity. The third group, socioeconomic variables, included household family size, employment status and household monthly income. All variables were extracted from the women and household questionnaires of the ONNS 2017. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to assess the association of each risk factor group with serum ferritin level. Additionally, truncated regression analyses were conducted to investigate the association between the nutritional factors and ferritin by intake of iron containing supplements, intake of iron inhibitors, governorate and household monthly income. The results showed that 78. 20% of women met the recommended minimum diet diversity per day (≥ 5). More than 50% of the participants had a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 . Regression analyses showed that BMI, age, and being married were positively associated with ferritin levels (P <0.05). while education level was negatively associated with the ferritin (P = 0.03). However, the minimum diet diversity (≥ 5), parity, employment, and household family size were not significantly associated with the ferritin level. In truncated variables, the minimum diet diversity (≥ 5) was positively and significantly associated with ferritin levels among women with supplement intake (P=0.02) and in those who reside in households with monthly income of 500-999 OMR (P =0.00). Additionally, BMI was positively associated with ferritin levels in participants with intake of iron inhibitors (≥ 1 cup of tea and or coffee per day), in participants with household monthly income of 200-4999 OMR and within women from six governorates: Dhofor, AlDakhiliyah, Al-Sharqiyah South, Al-Dhahirah, Musandam and Al-Wusta In conclusion, the consumption of the recommended minimum diet diversity showed no significant association with ferritin level, either because the majority of women met the minimum diet diversity (≥ 5) or MDD-W is not an effective indicator of serum ferritin status. On the other hand, the results of this study show that ferritin levels were significantly associated with women's BMI, age, years of education and being married. Therefore, it is recommended to use other dietary pattern indexes to evaluate dietary patterns in relations to women's micronutrients status to monitor and understand their interaction.
الملخص العربي
يعد فقر الدم الناجم عن نقص الحديد من المشاكل الغذائية الأكثر شيوعا . يتم تشخيص ً على الصعيد العالمي نقص الحديد بإستخدام مصل الفيريتين) 15
P .(أما بالنسبة للمتغيرات المقطوعة ارتبط الحد الأدنى من التنوع الغذائي (W-MDD (بشكل إيجابي بمصل الفيريتين للنساء التي يتناولن المكملات الغذائية (02.0 =P ،) وأيضا مع النساء من ذوات دخل الأسرة الشهري بين 500-999 لاير عماني . (00.0=P (بالأضافة إلى ذلك ارتبط مؤشر كتلة الجسم بشكل ملحوظ بمصل الفريتين بين النساء اللواتي يتناولن مثبطات امتصاص الحديد بمعدل كوب، أوأكثر يوميا، وأيضا بين النساء من ذوات دخل الأسرة الشهري الذي يتراوح ما بين 200-4999 ر.ع، وبين النساء اللاتي يقطن في محافظة ظفار، الداخلية، الشرقية جنوب، الظاهرة، مسندم، و .
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية

مواد أخرى لنفس الموضوع

مقالات الدوريات
Vela, Driton.
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية
Al-Hinaiyah, Eiman Abdullah Mohammed
Sultan Qaboos University
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية
Al-Yaqubiyah, Hekmat Shuwaired Said.
Sultan Qaboos University
مقالات الدوريات
Oladeinde, Bankole Henry.
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
مقالات الدوريات
Tawfic, Qutaiba Amir.
College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University.