
School's performance evaluation approach based on data mining.

Master 's thesis
مكان النشر
University of Nizwa
نوع الرسالة الجامعية
Master 's thesis
الملخص الإنجليزي
The Educational Portal through Indicators System provides measures which are loosely interrelated. Instead, the Ministry evaluates these measures separately. As such, the process of evaluating the school's performance would be time-consuming. Furthermore, these measures may not reflect the real performance of the school accurately. Currently, the main challenge which is facing the ministry is how to use the available data to evaluate schools. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of the schools effectively. With the advance of data analysis techniques, it is possible to identify and extract new and potentially valuable knowledge that helps in assessing the school's performance. The best example of these data analysis techniques is Data Mining. Data mining is a computation process which discovers patterns in a huge data. It includes some methods from statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and database systems. The basic algorithms of data mining cannot be directly used in the educational problem situation. Educational problems may have a special function or objective. This beholds a preprocessing algorithm has to be implemented then about specific data mining methods can be used in the problem (A & Assistant, 2016). This study is also going to present easy methods to discover strengths and weaknesses in the school environment. However, the Ministry of Education will be able to both cure the weakness and use other school's strengths in improving the latter ones. The use of data mining technology is also important. This technique has provided much information that has been hidden within the large amount of data possessed by the ministry. This technology can also contribute to providing the Ministry with the necessary data to help decision-makers in choosing the right path.
قالب العنصر
الرسائل والأطروحات الجامعية