
Structural architecture and Late Cretaceous exhumation history of the Saih Hatat Dome (Oman), a review based on existing data and semi-restorable cross-sections.

DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103595
Earth-Science Reviews. v. 217, 103595
Ring, Uwe., مؤلف
Wan, Bo., مؤلف
مكان النشر
Elsevier B.V.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The Saih Hatat Dome in the Al Hajar Mountains provides an outstanding opportunity to study subduction/exhumation processes coeval with obduction of the Semail Ophiolite. The exceptionally good outcrop conditions offer a unique opportunity to constrain the geometry of this subduction/obduction complex. In this review, the metamorphic, structural, and tectonic evolution of the Oman high-pressure complex in the Saih Hatat Dome is discussed. New structural cross-sections are developed and are used to interpret a geometrically feasible tectonic model for the Saih Hatat Dome. Our review highlights the importance of two major tectonic boundaries: (1) The As Sheik Shear Zone which separates the high pressure rocks of the As Sifah Unit (1.7–2.3 GPa and 510–550 °C) from the overlying Hulw Unit (1.0–1.2 GPa and 250–300 °C), and was active at ~79–76 Ma; and (2) the Upper Plate–Lower Plate Discontinuity, which forms a major surface in the landscape and developed by ~76–74 Ma, cutting through structures of the HP rocks in the lower plate (footwall). This discontinuity is associated with a pronounced strain gradient, notably in its upper plate (hanging wall), and separates rocks that have markedly different deformation geometry. The Upper Plate–Lower Plate Discontinuity initiated with a modest dip angle, making it a neutral structure in terms of crustal shortening vs extension. As a result, there is no discernable break in P-T conditions across it. The upper plate is dominated by the Saih Hatat Fold Nappe, forming between ~76 and 70 Ma. Subsequently, the upper plate has been dissected by a number of NNE-dipping thrusts at ~70–66 Ma, followed by normal faults at ~66 Ma. Our review and tectonic model indicate that the Oman high-pressure rocks were exhumed in a contractional tectonic setting that was possibly driven by forced return flow assisted by buoyancy forces. During this exhumation, when the rocks reached the greenschist-facies middle crust the Upper Plate–Lower Plate Discontinuity formed, as a shallow, south-dipping backthrust. Final exhumation of the high-P rocks was achieved by late normal faults after ~66 Ma.
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مواد أخرى لنفس المؤلف

مقالات الدوريات
Hansman, Reuben J.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd.