
Vascular endothelial growth factor in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in sulfur mustard exposed lung patients.

Oman Medical Specialty Board.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Abstract Objectives: To determine the levels of vascular endothelial growth factor isoform consisting of 165 amino acids (VEGF165) in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid from Mustard Exposed Patients. Methods: Bronchoscopy with Bronchoalveolar Lavage was performed on sulphur mustard exposed patients. A total of 39 patients with documented exposure to Sulfur Mustard during the Iran-Iraq war participated in this study, of which 38 patients were males and one patient was female. Results: The mean±SD age of patients was 41 ± 6.6 years. The mean time after exposure to sulfur mustard was 19 ±1.7 years. Eighteen patients had concomitant war injuries but they were not related to the respiratory system. While Twenty-two patients had a history of submassive persistent hemoptysis. There was no case with massive hemoptysis. Most of the patients had small airway obstruction (FEV1/FVC% = 78.14 ± 9.76 and FEV1% =82.79±18.23). Twenty-three patients had significant air trapping in the chest. High Resolution Computed Tomography was compatible with BOS. VEGF165 concentrations in BALF were 36.87 ± 34.68 pg/ml. When corrected to total protein of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) it was 0.76 ± 0.70 pg/mg. BALF of VEGF did not correlate with hemoptysis or air trapping in chest HRCT. Thus, there was also no correlation between level of VEGF165 in BALF and any of PFT indexes (FVC, FEV1, MMEF or PEF). Conclusions: Although VEGF is one of the cytokines which has an important role in chronic pulmonary disorders, it seems that it has no essential role in the severity of Mustard Lung Disease.
Karami, Ali, Ghanei, Mastafa, Alaeddini, Farshid, Soltanpour, Mohammad, Javad, Pourali, Fatehem. Yassini, Mobin, & Harandi, Ali Amini (2011). Vascular endothelial growth factor in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in sulfur mustard exposed lung patients. Oman
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